Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Archives — Calls from 2/2-2/8

Monday, Feb. 2
12:37 a.m. — Six people outside a couple of hotel rooms at a Polson hotel were reported to be “partying, cursing, and disturbing all the other guests and children.”
9:12 a.m. — Man reported that a female had been harassing him for his political views by following him home in her car and then shouting “Obama lover” and “tree-hugger” at him. The same man also reported that there is a “mysterious man in the area” who somehow knows his name and is prone to saying “hello” to him on the street.
12:19 p.m. — A man reported that his wife just called him and said that a lady knocked on the door of their home and three two dead chickens at her claiming that their dogs had killed them. The husband stated that both their dogs had been chained up in the back yard.
5:16 p.m. — A man reported that his grandaughter keeps calling him so he changed his number and wants to press charges.

Tuesday, Feb. 3
6:26 a.m. — A man reported that someone had woken him out of a sound sleep by yelling “Bigot, bigot, bigot!” The man believes the perpetrator drives “A green SUV” and stated that he did not want to talk an officer he just wanted the responsible party apprehended.
3:37 p.m. — A lady identified as “wearing a sweater vest and carrying a suitcase” was reported to 911 dispatchers to be walking along Highway 93 near the Exxon Station and may or may have gotten into a truck.
3:50 p.m. — A woman reported that a spotted pitbull mixed dog that “looked like a hyena” keeps coming into her yard and eating her cat food.
4:19 p.m. — A man on Big Lodge Road reported that another man was hiding out in his neighbor’s cabin and claimed that the man stole his truck and “burned it down.” The reporting party also claimed to have evidence “this time” — that being stolen chickens, foot prints, and wheel barrel tracks seen out back of his property.

Wednesday, Feb. 4
2:12 p.m. — A male shoplifter was reported caught stealing doughnuts, cookies, and Little Debbies from a Polson grocery store. Munchies much?

Saturday, Feb. 7
3:27 p.m. — A woman reported that she had been requested by the military to watch for “Japanese Clones.” She advised 911 dispatchers that a man who was “gross and disgusting” was slain in prison and his clone lives now in Missoula.
The woman continued that the man is a cannibal, and gave her diseases like hantivirus. Dispatch advised her that hantivirus comes from mice and not people to which the woman reminded dispatch that the man was a cannibal stating “this is how he does it.”
The woman explained that the Missoula man is the head “Japanese” clone, known as the “Big Kahuna.” She described him as “white” but claimed that he is a “Japanese” clone and is “very quick.” The reporting party requested extra patrol at her residence.
9:30 p.m. — A female shoplifter was reported caught stealing an odd combination of “baby powder and Lipton iced tea” from a local grocery store.

Sunday, Feb. 8
10:20 p.m. — A highly intoxicated man was reported to be passed out drunk sitting on the toilet in the bathroom at a Ronan gas station.

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